Truro Prep School Swimming Pool Cornwall

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Squidlets take safeguarding children seriously. Please see our policy below.

Squidlets Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policies and Procedure

Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and a key part of the provision of a safe, happy and fun environment in which people can learn to swim and develop their skills.  

Squidlets is committed to providing good safeguarding practice for all our swimmers and we have adopted the Swim England Safeguarding Policy Wavepower.  Wavepower can be viewed or downloaded from or a copy is held by Julia Raines, our DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead).  

Wavepower provides practical guidance on mandatory requirements and good safeguarding practices for anyone involved in aquatic activities.

Statement of Principles

  • Squidlets Swim School seeks to provide a safe, secure and positive environment in which children and adults can learn to swim and develop their full aquatic potential.

  • The swimmers’ welfare is the primary consideration and services are based on an understanding of the individuals’’ needs and views

  • Squidlets swim School is committed to ensuring that teaching staff and participants are treated with respect and understanding so that they may participate in any activity without fear of intimidation.  Any behaviour that undermines this is unacceptable.

  • Squidlets Swim School seeks to ensure that those acting on behalf of the swim school actively listen to participants and their parents/guardians and act appropriately on information received in order to ensure that a safe, secure and positive outcome is provided.  

  • ALL children, adults and vulnerable persons have the right to stay safe and be protected from abuse.

  • All children, adults and vulnerable persons have the right to feel secure, to be able to trust without fear and to expect protection from adults in positions of care and responsibility.  They also have the tight to take part in activities in an environment that does not subject them to cruelty or create unhappiness

  • Squidlets Swim School promotes the positive aspects of sport and has a zero tolerance to the use of inappropriate or abusive language, in appropriate relationships, bullying, harassment, discrimination or physical violence.  

  • Squidlets Swim School will respect the spirit of sport adhering to the rules and laws in and out of the pool, incorporating the concept of friendship and respect for others.  

Our rules to Keep Children Safe

No adult representing Squidlets Swim School will be left alone with individual children out of view of others or the pool hall security camera.  However, should it be deemed necessary to enter the changing rooms with an individual child, that member of staff will seek support of another member of staff or reliable adult.  

Squidlets Swim School is only responsible for the swimmers while they are in the water.  The exception to this will be where it has been agreed to collect Truro School Prep pupils at the end of the school day to bring them to the pool for their lesson during which time the staff will be in loco parentis.  Written permission will be obtained from the parents/guardians.  During that lesson as for other swimmers Squidlets’ staff will be responsible for the swimmers but the parents/guardians must be in the pool building before the end of the lesson in order to be ready to receive their swimmer once they have finished.  

Staff will not undertake to do personal things for a child that they can do for themselves.  

The changing rooms are supervised by parents and not the Swim School staff. 

The Swim School is not responsible for any siblings not swimming.  Siblings are requested to stay with their parent or guardian during the lessons.  

Parents should not be in the changing rooms while their children are changing unless their child is of an age where help is required (usually 7 or 8 and below) or if the swimmer requires additional specific assistance (especially in the case of disability or SEN).  

Parents/carers are expected to remain at the poolside during their child’s lesson.  Exceptional circumstances should be discussed with either Amy or Julia.  Should it ever be the case that a child is left at the end of a session, the teacher will stay with that child until collected.  

Any unknown persons visiting the pool will be required to identify themselves and which swimmer they are accompanying.  If this is not forthcoming or unsatisfactory, they will be asked to leave the premises.

Procedures for Recording Safeguarding Issues 

All staff are aware of the importance of listening to the victim and not to ask closed or leading questions.

All teachers and assistants will be aware to let a swimmer freely recalling information or events will be stopped until they finish of their own accord. 

Teachers will never promise the child confidentiality.

Any teacher or assistant that suspects abuse will inform the DSL or other appropriate body (if it is not possible or appropriate to contact the DSL) immediately.  

All changes in the swimmers’ behaviour or appearance will be recorded in line with Data Protection considerations.  

Records will include the name, age and address of the swimmer and the date and time of the disclosure.  Observations and recordings must be objective, factual and without interpretation of comment.  The record must be signed and dated by the teacher.  The DSL will be responsible for referring the concern to the appropriate agency in line with the guidance within Wave Power safeguarding policy and procedures.  

All suspicions and subsequent investigations by appropriate bodies will be kept confidential.

Procedures for Reporting Safeguarding Issues

If you have safeguarding concerns you may in the first instance speak to one of the teachers if you feel that is appropriate to do so.  Should that not be appropriate, or you feel that the response was inadequate please do then contact the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or the Deputy DSL.

The DSL for Squidlets is Julia Raines or 07709685863

The Deputy DSL for Squidlets is Amy Jolly or 07592735518

Should it be that the above can not satisfactorily solve the issue or it concerns the above individuals as either perpetrators or victims of abuse, matters may be taken to the safeguarding team at Swim England. 

  • Joanne Garey, National Safeguarding Officer

  • Jade Tupper, National Safeguarding Administrator

  • Jenni Dearman, National Child Safeguarding Manager

  • Email: safeguarding@swimming.orgTel: 01509 640 700 (Option 1 for Swim England and then Option 5 for Safeguarding)

  • Swimline – this is the Swim England/NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0808 100 4001

In an Emergency

If you believe a child has been harmed or may be at immediate risk of harm, and you are unable to contact your welfare officer or the Swim England safeguarding team please make immediate contact with an appropriate agency, such as:

  • The Police

  • Children’s Services

  • Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0300 123 1116 or email

  • Local Authority Designated officer (LADO) 01872 326536 or

  • NSPCC Child Protection Helpline

Take the name and contact details of the person you have spoken to, plus the incident / referral reference number (if applicable) so you have a record of the advice they give.

Then report this to the club welfare officer and the Swim England safeguarding team the next working day.

Our Photography Policy 

Photography and recording is not allowed during any swimming lessons.  

Under NO circumstances will photography be permitted on mobile phones nor any electronic device capable of capturing images or footage, in the changing rooms or toilet area.  

If a parent/guardian wishes to take a photo of their own child, they must speak with the teacher in order that it can be done without compromising safeguarding principles.

Any photos, images taken by Squidlets Swim School for publicity purposes will be done with the written permission of the parent/guardian in accordance with the Swim England guidelines.  

If staff suspect that images are being captured inappropriately by those watching on poolside, the person with the device will be requested to put it away and failing that asked to leave.  Persistent abuse may result in the Swim School banning devices entirely from poolside during lessons.

Our Manual Support in the Water Policy and Procedures

As part of our safeguarding procedures, Squidlets teachers and assistants are trained in offering appropriate manual support for swimmers whilst teaching in the water.  For our beginner and improver lessons our teachers will be in the water and methods of manual support, appropriate to age and ability of the learner may be used.  

Swimmers, where appropriate, will be asked if they are comfortable to receive manual support which will always be conducted in full view of everyone poolside and the pool hall security camera.  

Before assisting and handling we must consider the individual and if they are comfortable to receive support, the task to be performed and the environment.  

There may be occasions when manual handling cannot be avoided where the safety of the swimmer concerned, or another swimmer is directly at risk.  Safety of swimmers will remain paramount to our swimming teachers.  

Our Anti-bullying Statement and Policy

All bullying or harassment is unacceptable and will be dealt with robustly.  

Bullying is 

  • Where the is an abuse of power.

  • Any behaviour that makes another person feel intimidated, threatened, upset, insulted or embarrassed.

  • It can be delivered by mean of physical, sexual, verbal, digital, or psychological/emotional abuse.

  • It may be racist, sexist, homophobic ageist, anti-disability or anti-religion in nature.

  • It is not justifiable by saying it was a joke or banter or that the perpetrator did not mean it.  Focus is on the effect of the behaviour on the victim.

  • We will take action in the event of any witnessed or reported bullying and encourage that it be reported promptly in the event of it being witnessed or experienced.

  • We guarantee a fair process for anybody accused of bullying.

Our Safe Recruitment Policy

When recruiting paid and volunteer staff the safety and well-being of all Swim School participants is paramount.  All candidates will be required to obtain a DBS (Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services) certificate prior to being allowed to undertake any teaching or assisting with the Swim School.  

All teachers and assistants are required to have completed a Safeguarding Children course.  This course is renewable every 3 years. 

All teachers and assistants will be aware of our reporting procedure for safeguarding issues.  

Our Emergency Policies and Procedures

Medical Emergency 

All swimmers should complete a medical declaration so as to bring to the Swim Schools’ attention any conditions of which there needs to be awareness to in the interests of safety to the swimmer, the teacher and other Swim School members.  Parents’ or carers should be present during the lesson and thus be able to take responsibility for decisions regarding medical attention that may need to be sought.  

The lessons will be self-guarded with at least one of the teachers holding a pool lifeguard qualification.  The lifeguard(s) will be responsible for any first aid required.  

Child or vulnerable not collected at the end of a lesson

The teacher will ensure that the child or vulnerable person is in the pool hall where the teaching staff can see them.  

The teacher will contact the parent/guardian/emergency contact to establish if there is a problem and to seek to arrange immediate pick up.  

If the parent/carer or emergency contact can not be contacted the local Police should be contacted by the teacher as to the best course of action. 

The teacher will remain with the child until appropriate care is arranged.  

Missing persons

The safety of a swimmer outside the water is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or carer and they are expected to remain poolside for the duration of the lesson unless specifically arranged otherwise with the teacher in charge.  

If it is, however, realised that a swimmer is no longer in the class and is unsure as to their whereabouts, the first step is to ask the parent/guardian/carer.  If the swimmer is then believed to be missing the emergency procedure below must be followed.

  • The pool would be cleared and the water checked

  • Registers would be re-taken and swimmers supervised by another teacher whilst the teacher in charge checks the building including the toilets and changing rooms

  • The parent/guardian/carer would confirm if the swimmer's clothing is still in the changing room or not. If gone, the parent/guardian/carer would search their car and surrounding area whilst the teacher in charge alerts the hiring facility if staff are still on site.  

  • Teachers should organise a search of the wider areas using responsible adults with a specific time to report back.

  • It may be necessary to clear the pool, re-take registers and request that all other swimmers be removed from the premises by their parent/guardian/carer.

  • The police must be contacted no later than 30mins after the swimmer was last seen.  

Our Online Policy

It is part of Squidlets Swim School safeguarding Policy not to allow any photography nor recordings to be taken on any mobile phone or electronic device.  

NO mobile phone not recording device is to be used in the changing rooms.  

Email addresses and phone numbers are to be held with the permission of the parent/guardian/carer to enable communication between the Squidlets Swim School and the said adult.  No child will be contacted directly.

Photographs and information appearing on the Swim School website or social media are used in accordance with the safeguarding policy.  Should any inappropriate image be posted by someone externally it will be removed as soon as it is discovered, and the sender blocked from further access to our social media.  

All teachers and assistants should protect their privacy on-line and carefully consider who they give access to their personal information on-line.  Professional and private profiles should be clearly distinguished.

Staff Qualifications

Copies of staff qualifications, Safeguarding Certificates and DBS certificates will be kept within Swim School files.

Safeguarding will be renewed every 3 years as required by either attending an online or an attendance course. 

DBS certificates must be renewed as required in order for teachers to continue to teach at the Swim School.

Wave Power

Please refer to the current Wave Power on the Swim England website.

Swim England publishes updated version of Wavepower (